Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Creative Space

In My creative space today, is a little smockette I made for Holly. It was my first attempt at this pattern  . I used upholstery weight fabric so it sits quite firmly when on and looks very cute! It is snapped at the shoulders so could be reversible but I doubt Holly would ever wear it brown side out being the girly girl she is. 

Monday, April 26, 2010


Don't tell my husband..... I went fabric shopping today. Think he will notice the large pile of minkee? In my defense, getting minkee dots here is rarer than hens teeth so when one sees it, one feels inclined to buy a little (or alot!)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Least We Forget

Today is ANZAC (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) day- A day of remembrance. I would like to dedicate my post today to all those men and women (my own grandparents included) who both risked and sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom.

In Flanders Fields 

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow 
Between the crosses row on row, 
That mark our place; and in the sky 
The larks, still bravely singing, fly 
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago 
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, 
Loved and were loved, and now we lie 
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe: 
To you from failing hands we throw 
The torch; be yours to hold it high. 
If ye break faith with us who die 
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow 
In Flanders fields.

-Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) 

Friday, April 23, 2010

Vintage Baby!

There is something about vintage toys that really appeals to me. Maybe it is because they remind me of my own happy childhood. Or maybe it is the simplicity of them. They require no batteries and allow so much more imagination play than many modern toys.

Here are a few of the vintage toys that currently call our house home-

A little pram from Kilmarnock enterprises.

My Sister's 1970's Fisher Price record player. Yes thats right- records. From a time long ago, before ipods, before CDs and even before tapes, people used to play records. 
A lovely little 1960's Fisher price ferris wheel.

A little vintage dolls outfit. This was made by either my Mother or Sister in the 1970's and I think it is just too cute for words.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My creative space

At the moment in my creative space , I am knitting Holly a Oriental lilly by Tikki. Holly picked the colour herself, it is Tekapo yarns 100% wool in seascape. Only just cast this one on so may take me a few weeks to finish but will be a good top for her this winter.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The little one

I never get tired of looking at that little face. She is growing and changing so quickly at the moment. Sometimes it takes my breath away and I want to press the pause button for a while so I can take in her happy baby gurgles, her warm milky breath, her little hand gently stroking my chest while she feeds. With your first born, you are so eager to see them reaching milestones but when you have your second baby, you understand with crystal clarity how fleeting babyhood really is. 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stash Rehash

Today my sister and I went to our first stash rehash. What an experience! A mix of old, new, vintage and retro fabrics for as far as the eye could see. If you are a fabricaholic or a hoarder, this is not the place to go. But, if like me, you enjoy getting a few select bargains then you would love this place. I got all the above fabrics with the $60 I budgeted for myself. I was really pleased with my finds, especially the tan and black pattern one and the blue and pink retro pattern.

As I was about to leave, I stumbled across this little beauty, a kiwiana tablecloth. It is in pristine condition, I don't think it has ever been used. Not sure what I am going to make with it yet. Any Ideas?

My Miss Holly is developing a passion for all things lovely,  just like her Mamma! When I returned home, she eagerly searched through my acquired stash of fabrics, selecting her favorite and declaring, 'mine dress', before wrapping said fabric around herself and heading outside to play.

A gift from my girl

Miss Holly picked me this little flower from the garden. She loves flowers, this girl of mine. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Extra Curricular

It was with a touch of excitement, I opened the envelope which contained a copy of the magazine extra curricular earlier this week. I had heard about this mag from several sources in recent weeks and have to say, it lived up to expectation. This is a great little publication for anyone who has an interest in the New Zealand arts and craft scene. Of particular interest to me was an article titled 'craft living'. A great read about fellow crafters making a living from their crafty endeavors. It included fellow bloggers BamBam Creative &   Skipapple . If you are able to get your hands on a copy of this fabulous little publication, it is worth every cent.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Baby bunting tutorial

Thought I would post this for anyone wondering how to make baby bunting. It is really easy, looks lovely and makes a great gift for a new baby.

What you will need-
cotton fabric (non stretch) in a colour/pattern you like
a small amount of complementary coloured felt
2 meters of 25mm bias binding
embroidery cotton in same colour as felt
sewing thread
fabric marker/tailors chalk
embroidery ring
sewing machine

1- Iron fabric, mark out and cut 14 squares from your cotton fabric measuring 15cm x 12cm.
2- Mark out your 5 letters and 2 hearts on your felt. Each letter should measure 6cm tall x 5cm wide. Cut out.
3- Find the centre of your fabric squares and pin letters onto centre of right side. Use your embroidery loop to hold fabric tight, attach the letters using blanket stitch. Gently press using Iron.
4- Taking 1 lettered square and 1 plain square, pin with right sides together. 
5- Using an overlocker, serge .5cm seams. If you don't have an overlocker, sew .5cm straight seams then use a zig-zag stitch to overlock edges. Leave a small gap of about 2 cm at the top of each square. Turn and press.
6- Fold bias binding in half and press. 
7- Find the centre of the binding and pin middle square into the binding. Leaving 3cm between each square, pin remaining squares into binding. 
8- Starting at one end of binding, sew along binding using a straight stitch. 
9- Knot off each end of binding.

Now it is ready to hang! I enjoyed making this as a gift for my Little one to hang above her cot.

Hope you enjoy making this as much as I did. Feel free to ask me of anything you are unsure about.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunshine award

I am feeling very lucky today. I just found out I have been nominated for a sunshine blog award by the lovely Sarah at Cotton Kiwi. Sarah is a fabulous crafty Mummy, who also sells some of her beautiful wares at the devonport craft market, Esty and Felt.

So Now I would like to pass this award along to the following amazing blogs-

Now to keep the blog love flowing all you have to do is...

1) Send a big thank you  to the person who gave it to you

2) Copy the logo and place it pride of place on your can print out a copy for your wall if you want to

3) Link to the person who nominated you

4) Pass it along to 12 other people


5) Sit back and marvel at the wonder of "Blogsville" and all its delightful inhabitants!

And then she rolled

Last night was a bit of a shocker in our house. The little one had her first cold and was feeling a bit sorry for herself. I don't think she could master how to breathe with a blocked nose, which translated into very little sleep for the both of us. I woke up this morning with blurry eyes, laying the little one on her tummy in the cot as she was still snoozing. I went about my morning rituals and soon heard happy cooing coming from the bedroom. To my surprise when I returned, she was lying on her back, happily watching her mobile. Her first roll and I missed it! Her first little roll turned what could have felt like a long tired day into one filled with happiness. She really is a little ray of sunshine.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The easter bunny

The easter bunny came to our house this morning. It was the first year we have 'done' easter, with Holly being old enough to enjoy it. We had a little egg hunt round the house this morning. It was great fun watching Holly egg spotting. Also, could not resist making a couple more of these lovely little rabbits, one for each of my girls.

In keeping with the spirit of easter, Kirstin at Squidgyums is having an easter giveaway of one of her great little kids sleaveless hoodies. They look amazing so well worth entering. 

This Moment

{this moment} - A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Good friday

The weather was mild here today and a little gray. I decided to take the little one's for a walk on the beach and was a little surprised how busy it was. I had expected the weather would have put people off, I was wrong. It was nice though, spending times with the kids in the fresh salty air.

Happy good friday.


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